4-H House is a cooperative sorority that serves as a home away from home for 55 women at the University of Illinois at a lower cost. The sorority was founded in 1934 by 4-H member Mary McKee. In 1980, we joined the University of Illinois Greek System, and the opportunities available to 4-H House women were broadened. We are involved in numerous activities throughout the year, including Little Sister and Little Brother Weekends, Mom's and Dad's Day Weekends, Formals, Exchanges with Fraternities, and Philanthropic Activities.
Are you considering living at the 4-H House? If so be sure to visit our Join Us page to learn more. Don't be shy, come and take a tour of the house to see what we're all about!
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Check out our video and get a glimpse behind the green door here at 4-H House.